Tuesday, July 15 2003
I just made a cool new ribbon belt, my favorite so far I think. I got the ribbon in nyc in a store I found for the first time. It's three stripes: grey, pink and green. I'll post pictures soon, so check back!
Tuesday, July 1
For my birthday my friend got me one of those cards that has seeds embedded in it and can be planted to grow wildflowers. So cool! She also gave me sage seeds and a bottle cap seat belt belt which I had wanted to make it for awhile, but never got around to. Thanks Jen!!
Wednesday, June 11
Today I made a Margherita pizza which has thin crust, mozarella cheese, tomatoes and basil on it. It was really good. I'll probably post a recipe for it soon, but here's a picture of it anyways.
Wednesday, June 4
I've been so distracted and busy the last month that I haven't been able to do much of interest. Soon I'll have lots more free time and can finally get back to making some stuff! (and change that winter banner image at the top to spring)
Wednesday, April 22
I went to Frank's Nursery sunday and bought a whole bunch of herb and vegetable seedlings, and lots of seeds. The white box they are in right now is just temporary, I'll be moving them into their more permanent homes soon. The herbs I bought: lavender, garlic, shallots, greek oregano, chamomile and orange mint. Then I bought three things of strawberrys and one of romaine lettuce. The lettuce was kind of random...but maybe it will grow...
These are the seeds I bought: (all ferry morse brand) red cherry tomato, chives, peas (two kinds-since peas were the only eatable thing that really grew last year, i'm going for lots of these), beans, cucumber and squash. I really hope the garden is better this year, I'm going to make it lots bigger and actually dig deep into the ground before planting.
Saturday, April 19
I was in NYC the other day and there was a vendor on the street selling little cacti and bonsai tree's and some other plants. I bought three small cactus, two of them quite prickly. It was kind of difficult walking around holding the cacti..but I managed, and only poked myself a few times.
Tuesday, April 8
About a week ago, there were about five wild turkey's crossing the road in front of my house. A few days before that, I was driving by a house a mile away and the entire front yard was completely covered by turkey's, I've never seen anything like it before, it was so weird. Anyways, so as soon as I spotted this turkey gang in the street I grabbed my camera and took some pictures.
Friday, March 28
I was walking by my garden the other day, and I noticed little green tufts of plants coming up from the ground. After digging through the dirt a bit I realized that all the carrots I hadn't picked last summer were still alive and growing! (I'm obviously not such a good gardener, whoops!) I figured that they wouldn't grow enough to actually be eatable, so I just pulled them out. Just like the ones from the summer, they are very odd looking, just a bit bigger.
Wednesday, March 26
I haven't updated in a really long time since I've been so busy with work and sports stuff. It's been so nice out that maybe this weekend I'll start working on my garden. I'm not really sure what I want to grow this year...definitly not carrots though since they didn't grow too well last year. I'll probably buy plants as seedlings instead of trying to start from seeds. Last year's garden was kind of...bad and not too much grew. Hopefully this years will be better!
Tuesday, March 11 You Grow Girl has a page up about herbs to grow and recipes to make bath mixtures. I also want to get some more plants. I really like small cacti and other mini plants.
A really cool site I went to recently, So You Wanna has a bunch of how-to's on random things, like skydiving and get a pilot's license. These are both things I want to do, so its pretty cool.